e-Learning Course "Knowing Vinho Verde - Level I"
20 März 2007

e-Learn Verde

Course "Knowing Vinho Verde - Level I"

Comissão de Viticultura da Região dos Vinhos Verdes (Vinhos Verdes Region Viticulture Commission, the Region's interprofessional institution), in partnership with Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (School of Biotechnology of the Portuguese Catholic University) and Centro de Computação Gráfica da Universidade do Minho (Graphic Computation Center of Minho University) present the course "eLearn Verde - Knowing Vinho Verde - Level I".

The Knowing Vinho Verde Course - Level I was designed to provide, in a simple and accessible way and to a wide range of students, knowledge on vitiviniculture, the Vinhos Verdes Demarcated Region and its wines: the Vinhos Verdes!

The course and its contents were developed in a partnership between the Vinhos Verdes Region Viticulture Commission (, the School of Biotechnology of the Portuguese Catholic University ( and the Computer Graphics Centre ( of Minho University (

This course is based on an elearning platform, or internet based distance learning.
This platform is accessible through a website page and numerous resources can be found in it.
Readings, activities, wine tastings and evaluation activities will be proposed along the 6 weeks of the course. Several support and interaction tools can be found on the platform, as forum(s), chat, instant messaging with fellow students and support team, comprised of coordinators and tutors.

Level I Students
Consumers, oenophiles or wine professionals who desire to increase their knowledge about Vinho Verde Demarcated Region and its wines.

Quality Concepts in Wine
 - To identify the different qualitative denominations used in Vinhos Verdes
 - To distinguish normative classifications from current use classifications
 - To understand wine style concepts
 - To understand the qualitative perspective of the consumer
 - To be able to do a Vinho Verde sensorial analysis (tasting), identifying its main sensorial characteristics

Factors that Influence Wine Quality
 - To identify and explain the main primary production factors for Vinhos Verdes, its transformation and maturation/ageing
 - To understand the Vinhos Verdes supply chain and its main characteristics
 - To integrate all concepts, by being able to do a sensorial analysis, identifying and explaining the main factors influencing the revealed characteristics, as well as which quality concepts the wine is associated with

All students with positive evaluation will receive a certificate.

Enrollment Deadline: Enrollment period ends on 8th of April 2007

Course Schedule: From 10th of April to 20th of May 2007

Course Fee: The application will be confirmed after payment of the corresponding fee,
in the value of ? 25

For additional information, please contact Conceição Osório 
Phone nr: +351 226 077 300